In keeping with our mission of supporting you with nothing less than absolute leading edge human resources solutions, it’s our privilege to introduce to you our newest strategic partner. Help My Resume is a non-profit company like no other we’ve come accross, especially in light of the hard economic climate we find ourselves in.

The Extraordinary Benefits of a Help My Resume

Potential and Substantial reductions in your unemployment insurance tax rates.

As a participating corporate sponsor of Help My Resume, you can officially endorse and offer our program through your Human Resources department. By doing so, any current and former employee who has been subjected to a layoff from your company will have unlimited access to our entire suite of FREE services designed to assist them in getting back into the workforce as quickly as possible.

Help My Resume is dedicated to helping the millions of unemployed across America by offering no-charge assistance programs designed to improve a recipient’s marketable skills and self-confidence. Our programs include:

•Professional rewriting services
•A Grant Program to address an immediate financial emergency
•Ready Start Program that supplies job candidates with a new set of clothes
•Scholarship Program that awards persons with an educational scholarship fee of $2,500 or $5,000.
•Get Healthy Program to help those who desire to improve their level of physical fitness and emotional well being.

For more information about please visit their website.