If you are currently using a PEO and think you are getting the most out of it, think again. There are many untapped resources that your outsourced HR professionals can help with.


  1. Website resources Some PEO’s might post additional resources, articles, blog topics, and ideas on their website to help you run your business more effectively.  
  2. Get more recognition! Your PEO might be accredited by certain organizations that also might apply to your company. (Best Places to Work etc.) They might be able to help you go through the same application process and you could be recognized in very unique ways that you didn’t think were possible before.
  3. Recruiting – many people don’t know that this is a very traditional resource for PEO’s to offer. They are HR people after all. They can help with acquiring, interviewing, and hiring top talent. This resource can be used for all of its worth, and probably wont cost you anything extra.
  4. Marketing  it is probable that your PEO will have some form of marketing. That department may be able to help you with your individual marketing needs. Just ask!
  5. Recommended Vendors or Businesses – your PEO might have a list of businesses and vendors that they do business with such as printers, lawyers, and design companies. Ask for these recommendations and you could be pleasantly surprised with the good service you receive.